Every helping hand is needed.


The “Agentur für Arbeit”, the German employment agency, informs about current jobs.

After finishing the educational schooling, it is important to undergo training and practices to earn money.

The educational schooling and the following career can be completed in Germany as follows:

Pupils have to visit the primary school from first to fourth grade. Based on their performance level, they can decide whether they want to visit the “Gesamtschule” (like a comprehensive school) which includes the possibility to achieve a good lower secondary school leaving qualification (Hauptschulabschluss), a completed secondary education (mittlere Reife) or

higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulreife). Other educational institutions in Germany are the “Gymnasium” (highest educational schooling level), Realschule (secondary school), Hauptschule (lower secondary school) or the Förderschule (special school or school for children with special education support).

Every state in germany can decide how the different schooling systems are put together. In several states the Hauptschule and Realschule are combined in one school to reach a better pedagogical and organisational level. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s Regionalschulen (often a mixture of Realschule and Hauptschule) pupils have the possibility to achieve their “Berufsreife” (occupational maturity) after ninth grade or their “Mittlere Reife” (secondary education) after the tenth.

At that point, the career can start off:

Depending on the actual graduation, several educational and job opportunities can come along.

– After finishing the “Förderschule”, a move to the “Hauptschule, into the “Berufsgrundbildungsjahr” (BGJ) or to a dual job training is possible.

– After finishing the „Hauptschule“, a move to the “Realschule”, into a “BVJ” (a yearlong preparatory training program), “Berufsgrundbildungsjahr” (BGJ) or to a dual job training is possible.

-After finishing the „Realschule“, a move to the “Gymnasium” (highest educational schooling level), to a “Fachoberschule” (technical secondary school), a “Berufsfachschule” (vocational college), a “Berufsgrundbildungsjahr” (BGJ) or to a dual job training is possible.

– After completing the Fachoberschule (technical secondary school), it is possible to move to the “Gymnasiale Oberstufe” (senior classes of a Gymnasium), “Berufsfachschule” (vocational college), a vocational academy, a college, a University or to a dual job training.

– After completing the “Gymnasiale Oberstufe”, the so called Abitur (highest education schooling level), a move to the University, a college, a “Berufsfachschule” (vocational college), and a vocational academy or to a dual job training is possible.

– A “Berufsgrundschuljahr” (BGJ) can be followed by a dual job training.

– A “Berufsvorbereitenden Jahr“ (BVJ) (vocational preparation year) can also be followed by a dual job training.

– After completing the vocational college it is typical to start working in the actual learned job.


Rostock’s economy grows and more specialist staff is needed. The agency offers an overview on current positions and the support to find suitable work.

Jobcenter Hansestadt Rostock
Agentur für Arbeit Rostock
Kopernikusstraße 1a
18057 Rostock


Further support and intensive job-search assistance at NAF (work for refugees):

NAF- Netzwerk Arbeit für Flüchtlinge
Verbund für Soziale Projekte GmbH
Mecklenburgstr. 9
19053 Schwerin
Tel. 0385 55572024

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