Nursing Care Insurance

That´s new in 2017

The German government agreed to several changes on different areas like caring, Hartz IV or taxes at the turn of the year.

Autor: Ali Biewa

Starting January 1, 2017, the new care reform is going to replace the present levels of care by five new ones. Those affected are going to receive more money per month. To finance the care reform, rates of contribution are going to increase by 0,2 percent to 2,55 percent, for childless persons to 2,8 percent.
People, who plan to move due to work, can claim higher expenses to tax exempt.
In the event of a divorce or break up aliments for the child of both needs to be budged.
Electricity consumers are going to face higher costs as well: Based on the costs for energy grid and transition up to 50 Euro need to be extra budged.
Another change in 2017 are the rising social benefits for recipients of the ALG-II

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