Year Dates from the City Hall

Rostock publishes statistical yearbook 2016

Right at the turn of year, the 25th edition of the statistical yearbook of the hanseatic city of Rostock is published. The edition, full of numbers and facts, presents impressively the cities development. It displays Rostock’s dynamic changes in population, economy, construction, education and arts.

Autor: Ali Biewa

At the end of 2015 206.033 people have been counted in Rostock – 2.185 more than 2014. But not just German citizens found a new home in Rostock: people escaping war and prosecution found a place to stay safe. The number of foreigners at the end of the year raised from 4,1 to 4,8 percent, most of them from Syria. 9.889 foreigners have been counted by the city at the end of 2015.
Good News also for the development of economy and on the labour marked: In 2014 the disposable income per citizens amounts 16.423 Euro. In the last three years, it increases steadily.
The city`s unemployment data nearly halved from 2005 to 2015: 19.916 People have been unemployed in 2005, in 2015 the number is down to 10.670.
2015 has also been a record breaking year for tourism. In 2015 108 accommodations provided 14.164 beds. 743.309 visitors have been counted with nearly 1,9 million night stays.
All publications and the statistical yearbook 2016 as well as current key data of Rostock are free of charge at:

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